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The California FAIR Plan

Fire insurance is a necessity for any California home or business. However, not all insurers provide this coverage, and some insurers may be reluctant to provide coverage for properties in areas with unusually high fire risk. Because many parts of California are prone to wildfires, you simply cannot afford not to have this crucial coverage. Fortunately, the state government established the FAIR Plan to ensure all property owners in the state can protect themselves against fire damage. Here's what you need to know. 

Who Qualifies for the FAIR Plan? 

Although the FAIR Plan makes it easy for all California property owners to get fire coverage, not everyone is eligible for the program. The FAIR Plan only comes into effect in areas where traditional homeowner or commercial property insurance policies do not cover fire damage. If you are able to get fire coverage through a traditional insurer, you don't need, and won't qualify for, the FAIR Plan. If, on the other hand, your insurer won't cover fire damage, the FAIR Plan may be right for you. 

How to Get Fire Coverage Under the FAIR Plan 

The best way to get fire protection for your home or business through the FAIR Plan is to work with an independent insurance agent, as opposed to one from a specific insurance company. Independent insurance agents work with a wide range of insurance companies, enabling them to find the best insurer to meet your needs, including fire coverage. 

In the event that your agent is unable to find fire insurance for you from a traditional insurer in California, they can then help you apply for the FAIR Plan to get the coverage you need. There is no additional cost to you for working with an independent agent, as they are paid by the insurance companies they work with, so it is in your best interest to allow an insurance expert to work on your behalf. Your agent will make sure you get the coverage you need, whether that is through a traditional insurance company or the FAIR Plan. 

Learn More About the FAIR Plan 

If you are unsure whether the FAIR Plan is right for you, our independent insurance agents will be more than happy to help. We'll check with a variety of insurers to determine whether fire coverage is available in your area so that we can make suitable recommendations to meet your needs. Call 800-422-1251 today to get the process started to give your California home or business the fire protection it needs.